Whether you need to move product or increase your weekly sales, selling items in bulk has benefits for both you and your customer. Think of bulk sales as a way to sell wholesale-sized quantities to retail customers!
Common bulk buying options:
☀️ Sell bulk tomatoes for homemade marinara sauce and salsa.
☀️ Sell bulk fruit for canning, freezing, and making jams/jellies.
☀️ Sell bulk items catered to holiday parties (4th of July is right around the corner!).
☀️ Take bulk pre-orders for popular items before they’re in season (blueberries are a popular choice!).
☀️ Sell your seconds in bulk – people love buying less than perfect produce at a discounted rate (such as apples for apple sauce!).
☀️ Create a bulk buying event for the fall – where customers purchase wholesale quantities to “fill their pantries” for the winter.
LFM makes it easy to sell & promote bulk buys!

➡️ Set up special case size prices to encourage larger purchases.
➡️ Conveniently create a “bulk buys” shopping list to promote your items.
➡️ Easily link to the bulk items on your storefront when promoting on your social media, newsletter, etc.,
➡️ Set up pre-orders for specific products.