A successful weekly fresh list email can drive brand awareness, boost weekly orders, and more. An effective weekly fresh list email should provide high-value and actionable content for your customers.
5 key tips for a successful weekly fresh list email:
1️⃣ Send the weekly reminder email as soon as ordering opens (bonus points if you also post on social media at the same time!).
2️⃣ Include pictures of featured products along with a “buy” link that automatically directs customers to the product on the online store.
3️⃣ Combine the email reminder with a text message to maximize effectiveness.
4️⃣ Create urgency by highlighting order deadlines and limited quantities.
5️⃣ Provide instructions for online shopping & delivery.

Want more email marketing tips? Download our toolkit!
In this toolkit, you’ll find:
✔️ The basics of email marketing for local food
✔️ Examples of effective email design
✔️ Email campaigns for wholesale sales
✔️ Email campaigns for retail sales
✔️ Email campaigns for CSA sales
LFM makes your preparing your weekly fresh list email a breeze!

➡️ Dynamic Mailchimp integration for email and SMS marketing
➡️ Storefront messaging with clear open/close time and delivery information to reinforce the weekly fresh list email.
➡️ “Copy and paste” content for featured products, including photos and a “buy” button that are automatically generated from your LFM hosted storefront (see screenshot!)