More About Kitchen Garden Farm
Organization Type: Individual Producer
Customers: Wholesale, Restaurants
Website: https://www.kitchengardenfarm.com
Joined us in 2014.
Founded in 2006 on just one acre, Kitchen Garden Farm is now a 50-acre, certified organic vegetable farm located in the heart of the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts. Focusing on peppers and other fresh vegetables for their value-added Sriracha hot sauce products, Kitchen Garden Farm implemented LFM in 2014 due to the need for an easy to use, professional interface. As an individual producer, the farm utilizes LFM to save hours each week in administrative and communication tasks with their wholesale and restaurant customers.
“What I love is the integration between the orders coming in and populating invoices, and then with a click of a button generating my harvest list, my pack list, and my labels. That’s what saves me hours every week.”
-Caroline Pam, Kitchen Garden Farm