What Our Customers Say About Us
“Without the dynamic capabilities of the software to adapt to our programmatic needs and grow with our organization, we would simply not be able to effectively execute our mission and plan for the future. In 2014, we were providing 150,000 pounds of food to NY’s Capital Region and this year (2019) we are on track to provide 750,000 pounds, which would not have been possible without our utilization of LFM. Local Food Marketplace is made that much more effective thanks to their regular, thoughtful software updates, responsive customer support services and their fantastic staff who have proven to be creative problem solvers.”
-Will Coté, Capital Roots
“The reason that we are so committed to LFM is that the farm-level reporting is way beyond anything that’s out there. And that’s for a hub that’s critical. Not only can we see reports, but so can the farmers. Producers can log in and see current sales, past sales, comparison to last year, etc. I can run reports at the producer level for pretty much anything. Right now we’re analyzing pricing for our boneless skinless chicken breasts across four different farms. Sales this year, last year, and all the prices. All that data is clicks away. For me to be able to compare multiple farms and what they sold last year and this year and look at their pricing–that is critical for for me. If you’re going to actively manage the hub, that’s critical.” -David Nowacoski, Delivered Fresh
More Testimonials
“Local Food Marketplace helped us create a beautiful storefront for our online market. Their staff has gone above and beyond to help us with all the unexpected issues that come with a start-up Hub in it’s pilot year. We are extremely grateful to Amy and her team for their support.”
-Cat Wilson, Catskills Food Hub
“What I love is the integration between the orders coming in and populating invoices, and then with a click of a button generating my harvest list, my pack list, and my labels. That’s what saves me hours every week.”
-Caroline Pam, Kitchen Garden Farm
“Our time is so valuable, and it can only be spread so thin. For me, to free up maybe 15 hours a week that I used to spend handling order stuff, that is really important. I can now put those 15 hours somewhere else. Investing in LFM is totally worth it! Even if we were doing half the amount of wholesale we are doing now, or even less, it would still be 100% worth investing in. I just think that the time LFM has saved is invaluable.”
-Danya Teitelbaum, Queen’s Greens
“LFM keeps this Food Hub spinning! We are able to accept orders 24/7, which is big for a small distributor. The customer interface is familiar for online shoppers, and the backend is easy for novice sellers to manage their products and availability. We’re thrilled to be able to bring fresh local produce to customers twice a week.”
-Cat Olson, Puget Sound Food Hub